Amanda Sun, Executive Director
“We’ve got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”
J.K. Rowling
Amanda Sun is one of the Co-Founders and the Executive Director of Healing Solutions. She is also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist as well as a Licensed Supervisor. One of her passions is working with children and families involved with DSS, adoption, reunification, kids with disruptive behaviors, and ADHD. She specializes in working with people of all ages and families using a variety of techniques including play therapy, systemic training of effective parenting, structural and strategic family therapy, and solution focused therapy. Amanda is a Certified Basic Accelerated Resolution Therapist (ART) and is able to provide services for those persons with trauma history utilizing this model. Before Healing Solutions, she worked in addictions counseling, 8 years in public mental health, and has been private practice for 10 years.
She loves spending time with her hubby and dogs, Roxanne, Ivy, and Bellatrix. She also enjoys traveling and new adventures and is a self-reported bibliophile. She loves hanging out with her nieces and nephews who always make her laugh.